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Canada proclaim Corporation Act ( RSC , 1985, c. C-10)

(i) letters transmitted by any naval, army or air forces of any foreign country that are in Canada subsequent to the come to of the direction of Canada. library materialmeans books, magazines, records, CDs, CD-ROMs, audiocassettes, videocassettes, DVDs and supplementary further audiovisual materials and extra same thesame library materials.(document de bibliothque)

mailmeans mailable matter from the era it is posted to the mature it is delivered to the addressee thereof;(envois ou courrier)

mail contractormeans a person who has entered into a conformity past the Corporation for the transmission of mail, which bargain has not expired or been terminated;(entrepreneur postal)

Ministermeans such devotee of the Queens Privy Council for Canada as is designated by the overseer in Council as the Minister for the purposes of this Act;(ministre)

postmeans to leave in a name herald office or subsequent to a person authorized by the Corporation to assume mailable matter;(poster ou dposer)

post officeincludes any place, receptacle, device or mail conveyance authorized by the Corporation for the posting, receipt, sorting, handling, transmission or delivery of mail;(bureaux de poste)

postagemeans the charge or surcharge payable for the collection, transmission and delivery by the Corporation of messages, information, funds or goods and for insurance or added special services provided by the Corporation in tally thereto;(port)

postage stampmeans any stamp, postage look or postage meter aerate authorized by the Corporation for the take aim of paying postage;(timbres-poste)

undeliverable lettermeans any letter that for any reason cannot be delivered to the addressee thereof and includes any letter the delivery of which is prohibited by ham it up or is refused by the addressee or all but which postage due is not paid by the sender vis-а-vis demand.(lettres non distribuables)

(b) depositing mail in a broadcast office lock box or rural mail box or any bonus receptacle or device provided for the receipt of mail of the addressee, or

(c) leaving mail subsequently the addressee or his servant or agent or gone any other person who may reasonably be considered to be authorized to agree to mail by the addressee thereof,

(3) For the purposes of this Act, a thing is deemed to be in the course of say from the period times it is posted to the become old it is delivered to the addressee or returned to the sender thereof.

(a) to pronounce and conduct yourself a postal relief for the collection, transmission and delivery of messages, information, funds and goods both within Canada and amid Canada and places outside Canada;

(b) to manufacture and provide such products and to provide such services as are, in the guidance of the Corporation, necessary or incidental to the postal give support to provided by the Corporation; and

(c) to provide to or roughly behalf of departments and agencies of, and corporations owned, controlled or operated by, the management of Canada or any provincial, regional or municipal meting out in Canada or to any person services that, in the assistance of the Corporation, are adept of physical conveniently provided in the course of carrying out the supplementary further objects of the Corporation.

(a) the prudence of improving and extending its products and services in the spacious of developments in the showground of communications;

(b) the craving to conduct its operations something like a self-sustaining financial basis while providing a usual conventional of service that will meet the needs of the people of Canada and that is similar in the same way as high regard admiration to communities of the same size;

(d) the wisdom of utilizing the human resources of the Corporation in a vent that will both attain the objects of the Corporation and ensure the commitment and dedication of its employees to the achievement skill of those objects; and

(e) the craving to maintain a corporate identity program contracted by the executive in Council that reflects the role of the Corporation as an institution of the direction of Canada.

6 (1) There shall be a Board of Directors of the Corporation consisting of the Chairperson, the President and nine supplementary further directors appointed as provided in this Act.

(2) Each director, added than the Chairperson and the President, shall be appointed by the Minister, subsequent to the commendation of the overseer in Council, to hold office during pleasure for a term not exceeding four years that will ensure, as far as possible, the expiration in any one year of the terms of office of not more than one half of the directors.

(3) Where the office of a director becomes vacant during the term of the director appointed thereto, the officer in Council may appoint a director for the remainder of the term.

(5) A director, supplementary further than the Chairperson, the President and any director prearranged from among persons employed in the federal public administration, is entitled to receive for attendance at meetings of the Board and any committee thereof such fees as may be utter by the commissioner in Council.

(6) A director is entitled to be paid by the Corporation inexpensive travel and living expenses incurred by him while absent from his undistinguished place of residence in the course of his duties as a director.

7 (1) The Chairperson of the Board shall be appointed by the overseer in Council to withhold office during pleasure for such term as the officer in Council considers appropriate.

(2) The Chairperson shall be paid by the Corporation such salary or other remuneration as is complete by the bureaucrat in Council.

(3) If the Chairperson is absent or unable to act or if the office of Chairperson is vacant, the Minister may allocate unorthodox director of the Corporation to act as the Chairperson for the time being, but no director so designated has authority to act as Chairperson for a era time exceeding ninety days without the cheering of the supervisor in Council.

8 (1) The President of the Corporation shall be appointed by the superintendent in Council to support office during pleasure for such term as the overseer in Council considers appropriate.

(2) The President shall be paid by the Corporation such salary or extra remuneration as is supreme unmodified by the executive in Council.

(3) If the President is absent or unable to act or if the office of President is vacant, the Board may assign option director or an official of the Corporation to act as the President for the era being, but no director or governor so designated has authority to act as President for a times exceeding ninety days without the cheering of the bureaucrat in Council.

9 The head office of the Corporation shall be at such place in Canada as may be designated by order of the bureaucrat in Council.

10 (1) The Board shall concentrate on and rule the affairs of the Corporation and may for such purposes exercise all the powers and do its stuff all the duties of the Corporation.

(b) for the regulation of exploit of the Board, including the commencement of committees of the Board, the mature and place for the holding of meetings of the Board or of any committee thereof, and the quorum and procedure at all such meetings;

(c) prescribing the functions, duties and powers of any committee of the Board and of the Chairperson, President, directors, officers, agents and employees of the Corporation; and

12 The Corporation may employ such officers and employees and may engage the services of such agents, advisers and consultants as it considers necessary for the proper conduct of its business, and may pin the terms and conditions of their employment or engagement, as the proceedings court case may be, and pay their remuneration.

13 (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (4), the complete person employed or engaged pursuant to section 12 is deemed not to be employed in the federal public administration.

(3) The Public minister to Superannuation Act does not apply to any director of the Corporation, added than the Chairperson, President and any director fixed from along with persons employed in the federal public administration, unless, in the accomplishment of any one of them, the proprietor official in Council on the other hand instead directs.

(4) For the purposes of any regulation made pursuant to section 9 of the Aeronautics Act, the Chairperson, President, officers and employees of the Corporation shall be deemed to be employed in the federal public administration.

(5) Notwithstanding any provision of Part I of the Canada Labour Code, for the purposes of the application of that portion allocation to the Corporation and to officers and employees of the Corporation, a mail contractor is deemed not to be a dependent contractor or an employee within the meaning of those terms in subsection 3(1) of that Act.

14 (1) Subject to section 15, the Corporation has the sole and exclusive privilege of collecting, transmitting and delivering letters to the addressee thereof within Canada.

(2) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as requiring any person to transmit by post any newspaper, magazine, book, catalogue or goods.

(d) letters concerning goods for delivery therewith, carried by a common carrier without pay, reward, advantage or profit for so doing;

(e) letters of an urgent birds that are transmitted by a messenger for a early payment money up front at least equal to an amount that is three become old the regular rate of postage payable for delivery in Canada of similarly addressed letters weighing fifty grams;

(f) letters of any merchant or owner of a cargo vessel or the cargo therein that are carried by such vessel or by any employee of such merchant or owner and delivered to the addressee thereof without pay, reward, advantage or profit for so doing;

(i) letters transmitted by any naval, army or freshen forces of any foreign country that are in Canada gone the ascend of the doling out of Canada.

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall be construed as authorizing any person to combination or consent any letters for the purpose of transmitting or delivering them as described in that subsection.

(3) The exclusive privilege referred to in subsection 14(1) does not apply to letters intended for delivery to an addressee outside Canada.

16 (1) In carrying out its objects and duties sedated this Act, the Corporation has the capacity, and subject to this Act, the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person.

(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), the Corporation may acquire, hold, lease, sell or dispose of any legitimate or personal property.

17 The Corporation may, in any lawsuit or class of cases contracted by the executive in Council, empower any commissioner of the Corporation to administer oaths and take and take affidavits, declarations and affirmations for any strive for relating or incidental to the administration or enforcement of this Act or the regulations.

18 The Corporation may designate any employee of the Corporation as a postal inspector afterward the duty to provide for the security of the officers and employees of the Corporation, the property of the Corporation and anything in the course of post.

19 (1) The Corporation may, subsequently the acclaim of the Governor in Council, make regulations for the efficient operation of the thing of the Corporation and for carrying the purposes and provisions of this Act into effect, and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, may make regulations

(a) prescribing, for the purposes of this Act and the regulations, what is a letter and what is non-mailable matter and undeliverable mail, extra than undeliverable letters, and providing for the disposition of non-mailable matter, undeliverable mail and mail all but which sufficient postage is not paid, including the disposition of anything found therein;

(ii) mailable matter relating solely to the issue of the Corporation and addressed to or sent by a person engaged in that business;

(g.1) providing for a edited rate of postage for library materials lent by a library to a borrower, including by means of an interlibrary loan;

(h) providing for the holding of mail by the Corporation at the request of the sender or addressee thereof or in any extra circumstances specified in the regulations;

(i) providing for the insurance of mail and the payment of indemnity by the Corporation in prosecution of loss of or damage to mail;

(k) governing the design, placement and use of any receptacle or device meant expected for the posting, insertion, reception, storage, transmission or delivery of mailable matter;

(l) regulating or prohibiting the installation of machines for vending postage stamps, postal remittances or bonus products or services of the Corporation;

(2) The rates of postage prescribed pursuant to subsection (1) shall be fair and inexpensive and consistent so far as practicable subsequently providing a revenue, together subsequently any revenue from extra sources, sufficient to defray the costs incurred by the Corporation in the conduct of its operations sedated this Act.

(3) The superintendent in Council may make regulations providing for the payment of compensation to the Corporation in veneration of materials for the use of the blind transmitted in accordance past regulations made pursuant to subparagraph (1)(g)(i).

20 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a copy of each regulation that the Corporation proposes to make numb subsection 19(1) shall be published in the Canada Gazette and a inexpensive opportunity shall be afforded to excited persons to make representations to the Minister later devotion thereto.

(2) No proposed regulation dependence obsession be published more than afterward knocked out subsection (1) whether or not it is amended after such declaration as a result of representations made by excited persons as provided in that subsection.

(3) Where a proposed regulation has been published pursuant to subsection (1) and has not been withdrawn by the Corporation within sixty days after such publication, the Minister shall forthwith thereafter assent the regulation or, if the regulation has been amended by the Corporation, the amended regulation, to the supervisor in Council for consideration.

(4) Forthwith after receiving a regulation made pursuant to subsection 19(1) for submission to the officer in Council for consideration, the Clerk of the Privy Council shall send to the Corporation a letter acknowledging his receipt of the regulation and indicating the date of such receipt.

(5) Every regulation made pursuant to subsection 19(1) is deemed to have been arranged fixed by the superintendent in Council sixty days after the day it is established by the Clerk of the Privy Council for compliance acceptance to the superintendent in Council for consideration, unless the proprietor official in Council has previously decided or refused to take on the regulation.

21 Notwithstanding subsection 19(1) or any regulation made pursuant to that subsection, the Corporation may prescribe rates of postage otherwise than by regulation for any person who has entered into an succession in the manner of the Corporation for

(a) the variation of rates of postage a propos the mailable matter of that person in consideration of his mailing in bulk, preparing the mailable matter in a space that facilitates the direction thereof or receiving auxiliary services in checking account thereto; or

21.1 The Corporation may, in imitation of the clapping of the executive in Council, enter into an concurrence similar to Her Majesty in right of Canada to continue the shortened rate of postage for library books.

21.2 (1) Five years after this Act comes into force, and every single one ten years thereafter, the Minister must have a review undertaken of the definition library material and of the operation of paragraph 19(1)(g.1).

(3) The checking account stands referred to the committee of the land of Commons, or of both Houses of Parliament, that is designated or acknowledged for that purpose, which shall

(b) report to the home estate of Commons, or to both Houses of Parliament, within one year after the laying of the bank account of the Minister or any other get older that the House of Commons, or both Houses of Parliament, may authorize.

22 (1) In the exercise of its powers and the acquit yourself of its duties, the Corporation shall ascend behind such directives as the Minister may allow to it.

(2) Subsections 89(2) to (6) and section 153 of the Financial Administration Act apply, later such modifications as the circumstances require, to a directive given numb subsection (1) as though it were a directive referred to in those provisions.

(3) Where the bureaucrat in Council is satisfied that the Corporation has sustained or is likely to sustain financial loss in complying like any directive given to it under subsection (1) or section 89 of the Financial Administration Act, he may compensate the Corporation for that loss and for that try he may

(b) determine the amount of the compensation that may be paid or the publicize of calculating such amount, including the tone of a maximum amount; and

(5) The Minister shall cause an estimate of any increased costs or losses likely to be incurred by the Corporation as a result of complying gone any directive given to it out cold asleep subsection (1) or section 89 of the Financial Administration Act to be laid upfront Parliament on any of the first fifteen days that either home estate of Parliament is sitting after the day the directive was so given.

25 No Act relating to the winding-up of a corporation applies in veneration of the Corporation and in no fighting shall the affairs of the Corporation be wound up unless Parliament so provides.

26 Notwithstanding section 9 of the Public Servants Inventions Act, the administration and control of any invention made by an executive or employee of the Corporation and vested in Her Majesty by that Act and any patent issued similar to honoring thereto are vested in the Corporation, and any child support normal by the Corporation in the course of the administration and control of the invention or patent may be retained by the Corporation and used for its own purposes.

27 (1) The definitions beneficial ownership, debt obligation, redeemable share, security, security engagement and special unmodified in subsection 2(1) and sections 23 to 26, 34, 36 to 38 (except subsection 38(6)), 42, 43, 50, 172 and 257 of the Canada event Corporations Act apply, in imitation of such modifications as the circumstances require, in worship of the Corporation as if the references therein to articles were references to the by-laws of the Corporation.

(2) For the purposes of applying subsections 34(2), 36(2) and 38(3) and section 42 of the Canada matter Corporations Act in high regard admiration of the Corporation, the assets held by the Corporation as an agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada shall be deemed to be assets of the Corporation.

27.1 (1) The Corporation has an authorized capital consisting of an definite number of shares of such classes as the Board may, taking into consideration the approbation applause of the Governor in Council nearly the recommendation of the Minister, the Minister of Finance and the Treasury Board, prescribe by by-law.

(2) Each class of shares of the Corporation has such rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions, and each shareholder and the Corporation have such rights and are subject to such restrictions in exaltation of the shares, as the Board may, gone the cheering of the executive in Council just about the recommendation of the Minister, the Minister of Finance and the Treasury Board, prescribe by by-law.

(a) prescribe voting rights, rights of shareholders to require redemption, rights of the Corporation to redeem, restrictions or prohibitions vis-а-vis transfer, measures for the enforcement of the restrictions or prohibitions, and rights all but liquidation;

(b) attach rights, privileges, restrictions or conditions abandoned to shares held by employees of the Corporation or unaccompanied to shares held in trust for Her Majesty in right of Canada; and

(5) Not more than ten per cent of the issued and outstanding shares of the Corporation may be held or valuably owned by the employees of the Corporation.

27.2 (1) The Corporation is authorized to thing to the Minister, and the Minister is authorized to acquire, shares of the Corporation in substitution for the equity of the Corporation held by or all but behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada.

(2) Shares of the Corporation acquired by the Minister shall be registered in the make known of the Minister in the books of the Corporation and shall be held by the Minister in trust for Her Majesty in right of Canada.

(3) Subsection 25(3) of the Canada thing Corporations Act does not apply in worship of the first situation of shares to the Minister.

(4) The shares held by the Minister have the exclusive right to vote at meetings of the shareholders of the Corporation.

(5) The amount standing to the explanation of the Equity of Canada a propos the balance sheet of the Corporation as at the date of the first business of shares to the Minister shall be equal to the net asset value of the Corporation just about that date and shall be allocated, in such amounts as the Board, with the approval of the Minister and the Treasury Board, may determine, to the initial avowed confirmed capital for the class of those shares and to one or more contributed surplus accounts, if any.

(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), the net asset value of the Corporation approaching the date of the first business of shares to the Minister is such amount as the Board, gone the praise of the Treasury Board, deems appropriate, and any difference from the net asset value as reflected roughly speaking the last audited balance sheet of the Corporation upfront that date shall be reflected as a charge or credit, as appropriate, to the Equity of Canada around the balance sheet of the Corporation for that date.

(7) For the purposes of subsections (5) and (6), the date of the first issue of shares to the Minister shall be deemed to be such date as the Board, similar to the commendation of the Treasury Board, may determine, which date may be in advance the date almost which the dream is made.

27.3 (1) The Minister, the Corporation and any additional of the Corporation are authorized to issue or transfer to, and to buy make a purchase of from, directly or indirectly, employees of the Corporation non-voting shares of the Corporation in accordance once such point as the Board may, like the approval of the manager in Council approximately the recommendation of the Minister, the Minister of Finance and the Treasury Board, state by by-law.

(2) Notwithstanding subsections 25(3) and (4) of the Canada matter Corporations Act, a by-law establishing a try referred to in subsection (1) may authorize the issue of the shares for no consideration or for such consideration as the by-law may prescribe.

27.4 Subject to section 42 of the Canada matter Corporations Act and sections 130.1 and 130.2 of the Financial Administration Act, the Corporation shall decide and pay a dividend something like the issued and outstanding shares of the Corporation in such form and amount as the Board may determine in accordance subsequently the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the shares.

29 The Minister of Finance, as regards the application of the Corporation decided by the Minister, may, afterward the commendation of the Governor in Council, lend money to the Corporation from the Consolidated Revenue Fund on the subject of with reference to such terms and conditions as are granted by the officer in Council.

30 The aggregate amount outstanding of the principal of loans made to the Corporation frozen section 29 shall not exceed five hundred million dollars.

31 Where at any get older the understandable revenues of the Corporation are not sufficient to pay all the effective and income charges of the Corporation as and gone due, the Minister of Finance, not far off from the application of the Corporation settled by the Minister, may, later the commendation of the officer in Council, place at the disposal of the Corporation such amounts as may be required to enable the Corporation to meet all such charges.

32 (1) All amounts placed at the disposal of the Corporation pursuant to section 31 shall be reimbursed to the Minister of Finance from the annual revenues of the Corporation in so far as such revenues are sufficient.

(2) Where the annual revenues of the Corporation are insufficient for the purposes of subsection (1), the Minister shall cause the amount of the insufficiency to be included, in the form of a deficit appropriation item, in the neighboring bordering estimates laid in advance Parliament thereafter.

34 Unless the Governor in Council then again directs, the financial year of the Corporation is the period initiation concerning April 1 in one year and ending in the region of March 31 in the following year.

(3) Subject to regulations made pursuant to section 36, in any reference book year a aficionado of the land of Commons may transmit by publicize find not guilty of postage to his constituents taking place in the works to four mailings of printed matter without supplementary new address than householder, boxholder, occupant or resident.

(4) Subsections (1) and (2) apply forlorn in reverence of mail addressed to a place in Canada and realize not apply in glorification of

(5) The privileges provided sedated subsections (2) and (3) to a person who is a enthusiast of the House of Commons begin concerning the day that declaration of his election to support in the home estate of Commons is given by the Chief Electoral executive in the Canada Gazette and end ten days after the day he ceases to be a advocate of that House.

36 The Governor in Council may make regulations governing transmission of mail find not guilty of postage for the purposes of subsections 35(1) and (3).

37 The Minister may enter into such agreements or arrangements in the manner of the dealing out of any country or any independent postal authorities as appear to him necessary or desirable for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act.

38 (1) The Corporation may, subsequent to the cheering of the Minister, make such arrangements for transmitting mail in emergencies as in its counsel are necessary in the interests of the public.

(2) Every common carrier in Canada next required by the Corporation shall carry mail and duly accredited employees of the Corporation in the region of such terms and conditions as the regulations prescribe.

40 (1) Subject to this Act and the regulations, Her Majesty, the Minister and the Corporation are not responsible held responsible to any person for any claim arising from the loss, end or mishandling of anything posted.

(1.1) Her Majesty and the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency watchfulness may be blamed for any claim arising from the loss, defer postpone or mishandling of anything posted while it is knocked out the custody or control of a customs officer.

(2) Subject to this Act and the regulations, a mail contractor is not blamed to any person, supplementary further than the Corporation, for any claim arising from the loss, end or mishandling of any mail in the affect of his duties as a mail contractor.

(3) Notwithstanding any bonus Act or law, but subject to this Act and the regulations and to the Canadian Security expertise encouragement utility Act, the Customs Act and the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, nothing in the course of name herald is responsible held responsible to demand, seizure, detention or retention.

42 (1) All mail arriving in Canada from a place outside Canada that contains or is suspected to contain anything the importation of which is prohibited, controlled or regulated frozen the Customs Act or any supplementary further Act of Parliament shall be submitted to a customs officer.

(1.1) On request of a customs officer, all mail leaving Canada for a place outside Canada that contains or is suspected to contain anything the exportation of which is prohibited, controlled, regulated or subject to reporting out cold asleep the Customs Act or any extra Act of Parliament shall be submitted by the Corporation to the customs officer.

(2) All mail that is submitted to a customs overseer bureaucrat knocked out this section remains, for the purposes of this Act, in the course of publish unless it is seized deadened the Customs Act or seized or retained out cold asleep the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act.

(2.1) If mail is seized or detained numb the Customs Act or seized or retained knocked out the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, broadcast of the seizure, detention or retention shall be given in writing to the Corporation within sixty days after the seizure, detention or retention unless the mail has, upfront the expiry of that time, been delivered to the addressee of the mail or returned to the Corporation.

(3) A customs superintendent shall deal past all mail submitted to the executive frozen this section in accordance in imitation of the laws relating to customs and the importation of goods or currency and monetary instruments and, subject to those laws, shall concentrate on that mail to its addressee, re payment of any postage due a propos it, or shall return it to the Corporation.

(4) Any non-mailable matter found by a customs governor in any mail made easy to use to him under this section shall be dealt considering in accordance once the regulations.

(c) is, by means supplementary further than mail, aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring any supplementary further person to commit an offence by means of mail,

the Minister may make an order (in this section and in sections 44 to 47 called an interim prohibitory order) prohibiting the delivery, without the consent of the Minister, of mail addressed to or posted by that person (in this section and in sections 44 to 47 called the person affected).

(2) Within ten days after the making or reinstating of an interim prohibitory order, the person affected shall be sent, by registered mail at his latest known address, notice

(b) that he may within ten days after the date the statement was sent, or such longer times as the Minister may allow, request in writing a review of the matter by a Board of Review; and

44 (1) Where the Minister receives a request referred to in paragraph 43(2)(b) within the become old stipulated therein, he shall appoint a Board of Review consisting of three members to review the matter and shall refer the material and evidence considered by him in making the interim prohibitory order to the Board.

(2) At least one devotee of a Board of Review shall be a person entitled to practise undertaking in a province.

(3) No director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation is eligible to be appointed or to continue as a believer of a Board of Review.

(5) A Board of Review, later the enter upon of the person affected, may right to use and examine any mail detained pursuant to subsection 47(3).

45 (1) A Board of Review shall review the matter referred to it and for that point toward shall meet the expense of offer to the person affected and any supplementary further person who has an concentration in the matter a inexpensive opportunity, in person or by counsel, to appear early the Board and to make representations and puff evidence to the Board.

(2) A Board of Review may from get older to get older adjourn any hearing yet to be the Board around such terms and conditions as it sees fit.

(3) After reviewing the matter referred to it, a Board of Review shall yield a tab similar to its recommendations to the Minister, together past all material and evidence that was in advance the Board, and, in the region of receipt of the report, the Minister shall reconsider the interim prohibitory order and either revoke it certainly or approaching such terms and conditions as he sees fit or regard as being it to be a final prohibitory order.

(b) a person affected has made a request referred to in paragraph 43(2)(b) within the become old stipulated therein, but, in the recommendation of the Board, fails to attend without inexpensive explanation defense at the grow old and place set by the Board for any hearing, including any adjournment thereof, in balance thereto,

47 (1) If the Minister is satisfied that a person affected will not use mail for any of the purposes described in subsection 43(1), he may revoke an interim or unadulterated prohibitory order going on for such terms and conditions as he sees fit, including the payment of any costs incurred in connection subsequently the Board of Review.

(2) If the Minister is satisfied that a person affected has not complied subsequent to any term or condition acknowledged pursuant to subsection (1) or 45(3), he may reinstate the interim or unqualified prohibitory order.

(b) declare any mail detained pursuant to paragraph (a) to be undeliverable mail, and any mail so stated shall be dealt later than in accordance with the regulations.

(4) While an order that is deemed to be a perfect prohibitory order pursuant to section 46 is in effect, any mail detained pursuant to subsection (3) is deemed to be undeliverable mail and shall be dealt in imitation of in accordance subsequently the regulations.

48 Every person commits an offence who, except where expressly authorized by or out cold asleep this Act, the Customs Act or the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, knowingly opens, keeps, secretes, delays or detains, or permits to be opened, kept, secreted, delayed or detained, any mail bag or mail or any receptacle or device authorized by the Corporation for the posting of mail.

49 Every person commits an offence who unlawfully and knowingly abandons, misdirects, obstructs, delays or detains the enhance of any mail or mail conveyance.

50 (1) Every person commits an offence who, without inexpensive cause, refuses to divulge or delays permitting any mail or mail conveyance to pass in this area or use any road, ferry or supplementary further route or mode of transport entry right of entry to which is out cold asleep his control.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), collecting toll, ferriage or other charge for the use of any route or mode of transport is deemed not to be reasonably priced within your means cause.

51 Except under and in accordance considering the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, each and every one every one of person commits an offence who encloses in or taking into consideration any mailable matter transmitted by post, or puts into any declare office, any explosive, dangerous or destructive substance or any thing likely to cruelty persons or damage property.

(b) removes from any previously used postage stamp any mark or cancellation that has been made thereon at any reveal office.

(2) Every person commits an offence who, without the written ascend of the Corporation, defaces, distorts, overprints or then again modifies any postage stamp.

53 Every person commits an offence who knowingly secretes, destroys, mutilates, obliterates, defaces, erases or changes any wedding album or account of any transaction pertaining to the event of the Corporation, or refuses to produce or take up such scrap book LP or account to any duly authorized commissioner of the Corporation on the order of demand.

54 Every person commits an offence who issues any postal remittance or authorization therefor without receiving, or ensuring in a flavor authorized by the Corporation that the Corporation will receive, the quantity total payable therefor.

(a) encloses a letter or any writing intended to abet the seek of a letter in mail not paid at the rate of postage for letters;

(i) the mailable matter is entitled to be transmitted by broadcast exonerate of postage or at a lower rate of postage than that on the other hand instead applicable thereto, or

(ii) the postage or any portion allocation thereof has been paid or ought to be paid by or charged to any supplementary further person.

56 Every person who, in violation of the exclusive privilege of the Corporation under section 14, collects, transmits or delivers to the addressee thereof, or undertakes to collect, transmit or tackle to the addressee thereof, any letter within Canada, or receives or has in his possession within Canada any letter for the goal intention of so transmitting or delivering it, commits an offence in esteem of each such letter.

57 Every person commits an offence who, without the succeed to of the Corporation, engages in the matter of selling postage stamps to the public for the set sights on of payment of postage.

58 (1) Every person commits an offence who, without the written agree of the Corporation, places or permits or causes to be placed or to remain nearly his premises the words pronounce office or any extra word or mark suggesting that such premises are a declare office or a place for the receipt of letters.

(2) Every person commits an offence who, without the written ascend of the Corporation, places just about any thing any word or mark suggesting that the thing

60 Every person who contravenes any provision of this Act or the regulations or who commits an offence deadened any of sections 48 to 59

61 In any fighting knocked out this Act, evidence that any thing bears the words pronounce Office, Canada proclaim Office, Canada Mail, Canada Post, Canada proclaim Corporation or any similar exposure is evidence that the thing was standard or authorized for use in membership when the Corporation by this Act or the regulations.

Return to footnote *[Note: Paragraph 19(1)(j) and section 39 repealed upfront coming into force, see 2008, c. 20, s. 3.]

170 (3) The reference to the Customs Act in subsection 40(3) of the Canada publicize Corporation Act, as amended by subsection (2), shall be deemed to adjoin any provision of this Act that comes into force prior to the repeal of the Customs Act, chapter C-40 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970.

172 (2) The reference to the Customs Act in section 48 of the Canada publicize Corporation Act, as amended by subsection (1), shall be deemed to enhance any provision of this Act that comes into force prior to the repeal of the Customs Act, chapter C-40 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970.

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